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Love In The Air

“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.” Leonardo da Vinci

I always tell people that my obsession started when I was 5 years old, watching my dad going to a non-ordinary work with fascination. And when one day I got a closer look at the plane, experienced the take-off, the sound of the engine, the power of that huge bird, it became the moment when I told myself, “I want to be like my dad, a pilot, no matter what it takes.” This became my dream, my lifetime love, my goal. 

Love for aviation can be compared only with a real relationship. It is all about passion, heat and sweat, and madness. It is the same romance with the same chaos and mess. 

The concept of flight itself, which was once mysterious and hard to understand, has been fully understood now. Planes, helicopters, and other such aircraft are no longer a dream – but already a part of a daily transport routine. But why? Why are we so obsessed with flight? Perhaps, the answer is the air that is off-limits to us, and we are driven to change that. We can swim, we can run, we can dive, but we can’t fly. The air remains unconquered. And these huge, noisy machines that can only be operated by experienced, professional pilots, give us the wings to fly and see what is up in the sky. We feel we conquered the air by seeing sky at 30.000 feet, experiencing the moonset and sunrise simultaneously, seeing the blue from above… these all about curiosity and appreciation. 

Nowadays, commercial airplanes go much faster and higher, soaring the sky at twice the speed of sound. These hundred- ton beasts are a sight to see. Planes like the B777, the A380, A350 have 300 to 600 passengers inside them, and they land and take off with the grace of a swan, which makes people always to try to understand how these can float through the air. And this interest makes them love everything that comes up with aviation.

Flying and airplanes literally changed our world and our lives, giving an opportunity not only to dream big but also realize this dream. With every take-off and landing, we make one step closer to our dreams, with every take-off and landing, we recognize that there are already no boundaries left. 

Aviation is all about grace, precision, beauty, control, and freedom, and our obsession with flight will always remain a continuing phenomenon.

Until next time, and as always, “We Speak Aviation.”


  • Elaine Bosvik
    Posted February 2, 2020 at 5:29 pm

    Beautifully written! The freedom of flight has no boundaries!

  • Nadia Vasquez
    Posted February 20, 2020 at 9:20 pm

    It’s so true; when you have worked in the aviation field you will never ever forget the feeling…it gets into your veins and the passion never dies!!!

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