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Coronavirus And Air Traveling “Tips For Air Traveler”

As a new virus called Coronavirus or COVID-19 was spread around the world, which had been originated in Wuhan, China, today’s most asked questions are “How Safe It Is to Travel” or “Should I cancel my trip?”. 

I personally have just returned from my 25 days vacation, which I spent in South America, but I wasn’t worried much as I took extra precautions. So in this article, I want to share some tips when you are traveling, and your means of travel is the airplane: 

  1. Understand the situation before you travel – So before booking your flight, hotel or making any travel arrangements, make sure you are aware of the status of this virus in your final destination. Google and find your answers. 
  2. Keep social distancing – you have to avoid public transportation, ride-share services, taxis, crowded places, as well as staying about 1.5 meters away from other people. 
  3. Maintain good hygiene – one of the best ways to protect you from this virus and other diseases is to wash your hands as often as possible. The doctors recommend washing the hands with soap for at least 20 seconds before eating, sneezing, coughing, after the bathroom. Before you can wash your hands, please avoid touching the area of your face, say, eyes, lips. If you couldn’t manage to wash your hands with soap, then clean your hands with hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. 
  4. Wear a face mask when you are ill – we are seeing a lot of people who are wearing a face mask to protect themselves from the viruses. Still, in fact, healthy people don’t need to wear a mask for protects; it should be worn by people who are already affected in order not to spread the disease even more.
  5. Airplanes can be way safer than you may think – a lot of people think that traveling by plane can increase the chances of catching this or another virus. In real, no guys, those who think like that are wrong. The researches have shown that there is minimal risk of any infectious disease being transmitted onboard the airplane. Why? Simply, the air is actually pretty clean in the aircraft. It gets recirculated through the filters that really are very good at clearing stuff out. So in some aspects, the air on a plane is cleaner than what’s going on in your office buildings. Another essential thing to know: The new coronavirus is not airborne. Instead, it’s transmitted through droplets of fluid or mucus that you cough or sneeze out, which generally don’t travel farther than 1.6 meters. But if those droplets land on a surface that you later touch, you can pick up the virus that way. Airline sanitization is also something to consider. The airlines’ cleaning policies are now enhancing, which include thorough cleaning of seats, overhead air vents, bathroom door handles, window shades, and luggage compartment handles. 

It’s understandable that we get nervous about this virus, think to travel or not, making cancelations or plan changes, but it’s essential now to not panic. It is something to be concerned about and pay attention to and take personal precautions, but at the moment to not panic and keep a positive attitude. 

Please be safe and always follow the safety rules. 

Until next time, and as always, “We Speak Aviation.”

1 Comment

  • Sahil Chowdhury
    Posted July 28, 2020 at 8:55 pm

    Thank you for the tips, i actually flew with Qatar airways my favorite airline and this is the airline you work for and trust me, they have providing some great service day by day to their customers. This is the only airlines i fly with when flying to asia and when i fly i always hope that i get to meet you one day and i hope it comes true. This is my future airline i want to work for. Qatar airways always impresses me day by day.

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