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Two Planes Collided At Gdansk Airport (Poland)

On March 23 a Partenavia P 68 Observer 2 (SP-FPM) collided with Sprint Air’s Saab 340 (SP-KPU) at Gdansk airport (Poland). The parked Partenavia P 68 Observer 2 (SP-FPM) rolled over the tarmac and hit Sprint Air’s Saab 340 (SP-KPU). Fortunately, the impact force was not high and nobody was hurt.

The incident did not disrupt aircraft traffic at the airport.

Both planes are privately owned. The Partenavia 68, a six-seat, two-engine high-wing aircraft, made in Italy. These types of planes are used for observation purposes. The second one, the Saab 340A, a Swedish turboprop aircraft designed to seat 30-36 passengers.

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