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A350 – State of The Art Plane

It’s been already a year since I was transferred to the most advance airplane of our generation Airbus A350. Of course, A320 remains my first and entire love, but A350 became my passion and highlight of my career. And today, I want to share some really cool facts about this state of the art plane. So let’s go…

  1.  A330 Lite? – The A350 was initially to be called the A330-lite. But the project of building an entirely new plane started in 2004 was called A350.
  2. Less Fuel, Fewer CO2 Emissions – The new plane consumes 25% less fuel and emits 25% fewer emissions than previous generations of aircraft.
  3. Longest Flight – It doesn’t hold the record yet, but it could. The A350-1000 can fly up to 8,000 Nautical Miles (14816 km), which is more than enough to hold the record. And one of the longest flights was from Doha to Dallas, which took more than 16 hours. 
  4. Fear Not With A350 – Are you afraid of flying? Well, generally you don’t have to as airplanes are the safest means of transport. But with A350, you can forget about your phobia. As the Airbus A350 has gone through more than 1600 hours of flight testing, and that’s before any passenger even set foot in it! 
  5. The Quietest Aircraft of All Times – Airbus has claimed that this magnificent new A350 plane is the quietest aircraft ever, which means less engine noise, more comfortable flight. So, enjoy your movie without any clunk and clang.
  6. 53% Composite, 14% Titanium – Old planes were primarily made with aluminum, which is heavy, and reduced fuel efficiency, that made plans less sustainable. But this new-generation plane, the A350, is made from stronger new composite materials, which are 53% Composite, 14% Titanium. 
  7. Rolls Royce XWB Engines – Imagine a Formula One car engine, and now multiply it with 1000x, you will get the A350 engines thrust amount. This is an incredible amount of thrust.
  8. Length of The Football Field – At over 73 meters, the A350 is nearly the length of the football field. 

These are only some of the cool facts about this fantastic aircraft. But there is one fact for sure, that with all these innovations and not only, the A350 has taken the skies and made a new step on aviation. 

Until next time, and as always, “We Speak Aviation.”

1 Comment

  • Elaine Bosvik
    Posted January 18, 2020 at 5:39 pm

    What are the differences compared to the A320. seats, comfort, endurance, speed, cockpit?

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