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10 Steps To Make You An ‘Influencer’

Have you ever asked yourself how these people become so-called influencers? Well, I have some recommendations for that. You can follow these steps and maybe become an ‘influencer’ too 🙂

Let’s go…

Step 1. Be yourself! Yes, you have to be YOURSELF, have your unique style, use your charisma, show up something special in your personality, find out what are you good at and start working on it, and most important DON’T COPY someone.

Step 2. Hashtags! Do you want to be a loser on Instagram? Then use general hashtags on Instagram. Surprised? Well, let me explain it this way; when you post a picture and use general hashtag #photooftheday which has 100.000.000 photos, of course, your photo will get lost in these photos and will remain unattentive. So using specific hashtags will make your post to gain attention, say, rather than using #car, use #bluecar or #bluebmwcar.

Step 3. Tags! Always tag the pages that relate to your interests. If your post is about aviation or travel, then tag aviation or travel pages. Believe me; this will work!

Step 4. Giveaway, Prizes, Competitions! Encouragement will help you in your path to becoming an ‘influencer.’

Step 5. Caption! You have to make a good caption, not too long, not too short. The caption must catch the people to read it and not get bored. So, remember; right caption equals more people, more engagement.

Step 6. Time! Time is an essential tool; you have to find the right time for posting on Instagram. Find out from where are your followers, don’t post when your followers are sleeping. Simple is that, right?

Step 7. One Picture A Day! Don’t post more than one picture a day, because people will get bored of that. Also, you don’t have to post 7 days a week, post only on those days when the engagement is high.

Step 8. Don’t Buy Followers! Don’t waste your time and money on buying fake followers. They won’t help you. By the way, Instagram eliminates those fake followers by time.

Step 9. Be Positive! Want to attract people more? Then post or share posts that serve and help the community.

Step 10. Believe in yourself. Instagram is a tool, so you use it for your benefit. Also, for the people benefit. Don’t use it against you or people. Remember, setting the right goals, focusing on your targets, is the key to success.

So guys, follow these steps, be patient, work hard and you will reach your goal.

Until next time and as always “We Speak Aviation.”


    Posted May 1, 2019 at 4:44 pm

    Simply great….

  • Muhammed
    Posted May 1, 2019 at 5:15 pm


  • Sahil Chowdhury
    Posted July 28, 2020 at 8:51 pm

    Thank for the tips. Your tips are always awesome. I have started to become a influencer over time

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