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How Will Air Fares Be Affected Following COVID-19?

by Joanne Bailey, September 9, 2020

One of the biggest questions frequent fliers are asking themselves right now is how COVID will affect future air travel. Just as the events of September 11th have shaped the security experience at the airport, so COVID will likely leave some lasting effects on aviation.

Most of those seem to be positive. Cleaner planes are a good thing, as is a heightened sense of hygiene among our fellow travelers. Although it’s unlikely to stay long term, the blocked middle seat is fast becoming a passenger favorite.

But what about the changes that will be less welcome? Wearing a mask for long periods is not super comfortable; will mask quality improve to meet our comfort standards, or will airlines eventually scrap the requirement?

Worse than that, will aviation come out of COVID so burdened with debt and with the ground to make up that flying will go back to being the preserve of only the wealthiest people? Only time will tell how COVID will affect airfares, but we can make some educated predictions. Read more…

1 Comment

  • sahil chowdhury
    Posted September 10, 2020 at 3:34 pm

    Thank you for another epic article. It was short but as people say it is about the quality than the quantity. Thank you for this info. YOu people are awesome!!!!!

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